We were still on hols, in nearby Parád so it was an hour's drive or so to get to Jászberény. Weather was hot hot hot throughout the week but right before the racing day a cold weather front hit the region so it was cloudy and windy in the morning. Not too windy and in fact it looked better than another day in 35+ C...
The race began with yet again some organisational problems, turned out the racing numbers of few of the team members had to be changed - don't ask me why. It is completely unclear to me. I thought they've put it in some database when they handed them out first. Obviously they did not, and now every coach had to fill in the race numbers of his team on a piece of paper. What can be soooo difficult handling about 100 people's name/bday/racing number???
Anyway, then came the usual chaos of 'now we will do the F category girls, then amateur men cat D, then pre-heat prof. B men'... so you sit there, all dressed up, skates on and you don't know how much time you have until the next run, or when you can go and do some warmup laps. I really don't get it what does it take to make up a race program, a schedule, and stick to it.
Well somehow it started, first it was my 500m. We went to the start and... came a 10-minute shower, raining cats and dogs. After 5 mins however all 4 of us (soaking wet) voted to run the race and get back to the tent :) So off we went, one guy from Serbia fell at start but then went on to win, Dani (14 yr) was second, and I was able to keep the pace of Feri (at last) and was 1 meter behind him at the finish line. It may be the difference in our wheels though, he suffered with his 85A 100mm wheels while I didn't even notice any slips on my 82A 84mm wheels...
Then came Peter's 400m, however they were only 2 starting :( The track was still bit wet and slippery and in fact he almost fell at start but then it was a smooth, clear win ahead of Hazafi Ádám from KDSE.
It was my turn again, 2000m (10 laps) this time. The track has dried up but the wind was quite strong. Senior women & men were starting in the same heat and I was quite happy to perform a smooth start. Then I was in position 6 (out of 8) and after 2 laps decided to move up a bit and overtook 2 ladies. Well... my energy lasted until lap 7 and from then on it was pure horror, I felt I was slowing down lacking any power and then those 2 ladies left me again. It was a bad decision to move up early it seems...
Then soon came Peter and 300m, and a super performance again, skating nice style and an easy win. It is a year like that it seems.
We saw some great elimination and points races then for the upper age category boys and girls, too bad Tomi from our team produced a huge & spectacular crash and had to be taken to the doc for serious checks. Later he returned smiling but... I wonder how he put on normal clothes or slept in a bed...
Oh and we seniors raced relays, 1800m (9 laps). It was nice, quite uneventful and we came second, the ones beating us were those youngsters from Serbia allowed to run in amateur despite being pros, so no problems begin defeated by them :)
There is a very fine pizzeria close to the track so it was obvious we had to visit that and refill our carbohydrate stores, then came the 'usual' waiting time and then the ceremonies. Peter won a nice cup, I've collected a silver in relays, and the team has performed quite well, we had quite a few podium appearances.
Then came the overall prize and... tadaaaammmm... the overall cup was won by our team, KDE Szeged!!! Wohoooooo, last year the team was 3rd, now you can see the cup in the middle of the pic, in the hands of Sonja.
Moira was having a good time in the team tent playing with the younger ones about her age. Interestingly, she was most impressed with a boy's Ferrari matchbox car - she may be influenced by his brother :)
Aftermath - Bearings dead. Though we put tons of WD-40 on them, most of them went dead by the time we got home :( The only cure is - throw them out and put in new ones. Well well well, no fun racing in the rain indeed :s