Monday, March 30, 2009


I've done it!

Arrived to Bratislava, Slovakia at around 7:50 and we walked to the registration, everything went smooth & professional.
Then warmed up a bit and put skates on.

The race started at 09:45, weather was overcast and around 10C, light breeze from south. All in all there were 271 starters and in fact I was a bit overwhelmed by that number. Following the slow start we rolled down about 400m to the quay of river Danube where we stopped, and following the gun started the race for real (map here).
It was here I made my biggest mistake in the race, I positioned myself way too back near the end of the crowd. After the initial 400-500 metres we had to climb up to the bridge 'Novy Most' which proved a bit hard for quite some people and I was able to overtake some. Then some more climb up to the middle of the bridge and from there whoooosh down in straight line onto Panonska Cesta, a 4-line road (2 lines closed). Fighting the small breeze I tried to hop from group to group, but it was quite demanding. My heart rate went up to 99% sometimes so I had to relax a bit drafting.
The road turned eastwards and climbed a bit for an overpass which I found very hard to cope with. Then onto a rough asphalt for 1.5 km and then down south again, following the dam.
This part of the route was shown as 1 km on the race map but proved to be 2.8 :) I could see the leaders racing in the opposite direction, on the top of the dam, and tried to catch glimpse of the others from our club (Szonja, Balázs and Dani) without any success. This section was quite OK, the asphalt was smooth and by now (we are talking about km #9-12) I was feeling OK and perfectly warmed-up. I could lead the group I was in long enough and bring them up to another group ahead.

Then came a short climb and turn back, and we started our way back to the finish. With the turn the breeze now helped us a little bit and it was much much easier to ride with speed. However sometime later my lower back started to signal it would become stiff soon, so I had to stand up and stretch it sometimes.
We were rolling on the bike routes on the dam all the way north back in the city, the road was OK with few hazards but all of them were signed with red paint. I was drafting a lot with #201 (a big thank you goes for Peter Cervinka from Vienna).
At around km #19 it started to rain, first only very slightly but soon enough water gathered to make the roads slippery. Unfortunately it was also the last kilometres that we had to climb up the bridge 'Stary Most', which proved very hard for me on slippery surfaces. I was not able to push long enough to the side and completely lost my speed in the climb. Then on the bridge I suffered to gain some speed again but the dilating elements and the surface errors made it too hard for me to cope with it :s In the last turn, down from the bridge & left, all the organisers showed us to slow down, I guess the turn was quite slippery and the crossing tram lines did not help either. After that it was a 500 m ride up to the gate and the clock stopped at 1:03:03!

I was and still I am very happy and satisfied with this result!!! I earned 155th place between the men (from 200 starting). I now think I could have earned about 2 minutes if I did not make that silly mistake at the start and stay with the rest of the team - but well, next time it will be better :) According to my HRM the first half of the race went harder, HR average was 95%, while it was only 94% during the second part.
Szonja finished 17th in the women's race (47:13), while in the men's race Balázs 133th (59:55, had a small crash), Dani 135th (59:57). Results here, photos I will try to find (Szonja here on Stary Most, #243).

(l-r) Szonja, me, Balázs and Dani

The race itself was very well organized, lots of police and race staff everywhere, chip timing, big screens; and friendly spectators, friendly racers, it was really fun to be there. I really hope to get back here next year.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bratislava pre-race

22 hours left before the inline race in Bratislava will get started.

22.5 km to cover. That is a bit more than a half-marathon but I heard it starts with a slow start to lead the pace out of the zigzagging inner streets onto the new bridge (Novy Most) where the race can start for real.
Weather is not looking good. They predict 5-10 C, wind and... rain.
What do I expect? Last year I've done the HM distance in 1:29, now I'd like to finish under 1:10. I know I have the aerobic fitness but I haven't skated for a long time, only 2 short occasions. Hmmm... maybe a bit too courageous? We will see :)
We will get in the car at 03:30, drive along 350kms, run the race and get back home. Sounds like a perfect lazy weekend :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Building a base 1

Sometime in October I decided to follow Rob Bell's periodisation tips on Inline Planet to build a more sportsman-like body shape in 2009.
According to those plans I've started a Base1 period at the 1st of February. Due to the weather it mostly consisted of doing running trainings, both outdoors or on the dreadmill. I just simply hate the stationery bikes in the gyms with their awful seats. I think spinner bikes are OK but I definitely do not want to take spinning classes. I should look for a gym where I can use the spinning bike for an hour or more, without a crazy instructor shouting around.
Anyway, Base 1 period ended last Sunday and now I can sum it up:
  • ran 187 kms in 18h42m (23 sessions)
  • did 1 indoor skate session
That is not too much :( 24 training sessions in 6 weeks, means I trained every other day. Running was at 6 min/km, that is OK I think, as long as one wants to do long, slow distance trainings.
So I am still undecided if I can call this Base 1 period successful or not. Time will tell.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ST Junior Championships, 2009

The last race meet for the kids this winter season was held 21-22 February, in Budapest.

Peter was not in a good form before the races. He looked tired, he moved out of sync a lot of times on practices. It may have been the long winter, the day-to-day school work or something else, maybe the touch of flu halving his class, though he did not catch that until lately.

Anyway we 4 + Marci arrived to Budapest quite early on Friday, had much time before the practice. Then next day the races began.
Peter's age category had the most contenders, 14. So it meant he had to run quarterfinals, semifinals and finals at each distance. An it proved a little bit too demanding.
Saturday he had the 400m quarter/semi/final, then the 222m quarter/semi/final, and even the 333m quarters. No wonder he was damn tired by the end of the day.
And interestingly, Sunday he was more impressive. He did not fight the corners at last, got in nice low position, pushed nice long. Where was all of that before? Who knows... Too bad it came only on Sunday, I wish it was a day before that.
He finished 10. on 400m, 11. on 222m and 13. on 333m. Not an impressive result at all, but I keep telling myself he still has 2 years in this age category, so no need to hurry at all.

Detailed results are here and I will post some photos as soon as I get to it...