Friday, July 11, 2008

Skill drills week

I've been trying to practice basic skating drills the last week - it was too hot to spend much time on the track anyway, so long tempo sessions were out of question.

After warmup, I've been doing very basic skill drills, eg: rolling in position, inside/outside edges, low position left/right, one-legged pushes, scissors, one-foot glides, parallel turns. It was about 20-24 laps each time, then some 10-20 laps on moderate tempo. It was just enough to cover, in 32+ Celsius... then some laps to cool down, and stretches. Bill & Nicole Begg's videos help a lot I think, I watch the technique-related ones each night to prepare mentally for next day.

I was alone on the track each day, at least it was silent, no constant rolling laughter around :)
Anyway, I wonder when and how I will do my first crossover... I am feeling a little bit 'paused', cannot feel any progression with my technique. But my conscious part keeps telling all this tech training will pay off sometime.

Let's hope so!

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