There was a 56-km running event held nearby, called 'Homokháti Szupermarathon'. The small villages and towns wee bit west of Szeged are commonly called 'Homokhát', means 'sandy part' or something like that.
I was not insane enough to cover that distance by myself so we entered the relay. We were 3 in the team (called 'Kiribati Turbo 608'), and there were 5 etaps to go, so Feri did the first (7 km) and the third one (12 km), myself the 2nd (13 km) and the 5th (7 km), Szilvi had one distance to go (15 km). The main difficulty of the race was not the distances but the road surfaces. Etaps #1, #3 and #5 were quite rough, someone called it a hazelnut choc...
Weather was fine if you like windy overcast 10C, after a rain... there were a lot of runners and hurdes of schoolkids running a 1km distance. We've met some skaters from Budapest, from Kori2000 and had a nice chat with them. They opted for skating the whole distance, but as a pleasure run, not as a race.
Well we left Feri behind for the start and drove to the first relay point and waited quite a lot. It turned out the start procedure was repeated for some reason so everything was postponed half an hour :) Anyway Feri arrived at some time and then came my 13 km. The first 2 kms were very rough & tough: headwind, bad surface, even wet at some point. But then the asphalt turned quite smooth and after a big turn westwards headwind wasn't a factor anymore. I tried to catch up with a guy skating about 300m ahead of me but with no success, in fact the gap has remained the same by the end of my etap. My back was aching badly after 20 minutes but... I've reached the next checkpoint and it was Feri's turn again.
Quick drive up to the next meeting point and talking to Feri meanwhile, he suffered very much on the rough asphalt. He turned up at some point though and Szilvi started. We drove to the last meeting point - and then disaster came.
The race route was a loop, like a lasso - the first and last distance were the same route but opposite direction. We were waiting and waiting and then decided something has happened to Szilvi. Feri got in the car and went off searching for her. Later it turned out she missed a crucial turn and got lost. Feri found her though sometime later, she must have covered 10 extra kms by then... Anyway she got to the meeting point and I was on my way to finish. Though the asphalt was rough still I quite enjoyed this second distance, and during the last 3 kms I was quite happy, skating smooth style with big strong sidepush and nice recovery. I was really having fun then.
Crossing the finish, line Szilvi and Feri were waiting for me there and we were given a gift package each. There was no prize for the skate relays but that's no problem.
I've checked the race times and I was over 20km/h - hooraaaay!
3 kids of the club were also doing a relay, namely Petra (10), Balázs (16), Marci (10, Feri's son). They handled it professionally, but they also had trouble on the 3rd part. Balázs covered distances 1,3 and 5, while Marci ran the 2nd and Petra the 4th. When I asked them after the race, they were not tired at all!
Some photos of big numbers of crazy runners and small numbers of crazy skaters here.
After all, it was a pleasant ride (minus Szilvi getting lost) and we may do it again next year, but I think we could do it as individuals. Now do I sound insane? :D
Rule #1: Believe in Yourself
7 years ago
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