Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Building a base 2

At the end of the Base 2 period let's make a quick summary:
  • ran 81.4 kms in 8h12m (10 sessions)
  • skated 97.4 kms in 5h (11 sessions)
That is significantly lower than I've expected :( However often there are days when I simply do not feel strong enough to go training. I guess it must be some kind of spring fatigue?
Next period is about intervals. Insane...


Anonymous said...

When I quickly read this, I thought you did all that running at one time. I was going to bow down at your feet!! lol

Gabor Kmetyko (aka kilo) said...

LOL Cor - 80 km is the 6h running nat. record here, iirc... I am definitely not on that level :D